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Committee Details

Special Committee
Kentucky Housing Task Force


The task force shall study and review the current and future policy needs of the state to address access and availability of housing to the citizens of the Commonwealth, including but not limited to a demographic analysis of housing costs, population, and employment opportunities statewide and regionally in Kentucky; a comprehensive review of state and local laws, regulations, policies, and procedures that affect housing; analysis of the availability and accessibility of housing to include examination of the costs of housing, utilities, and access to healthcare; evaluate land use, zoning, infrastructure, and community planning to identify barriers that impede the development and availability of accessible, adequate, and affordable housing; and examine efforts and policy changes in other states and municipalities to address increasing housing supply and encourage homeownership.
Legislative CalendarMeeting MaterialsMinutes


  • Mark Mitchell - Committee Staff Administrator
  • Christina Gordley - Legislative Analyst
  • Christopher Jacovitch - Legislative Analyst