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LRC Publications

Popular Educational Publications

Publications provided via this website are in .pdf, .htm, or .txt format. An Adobe PDF Reader, available free from Adobe, is required to view .pdf publications.

Note: Some documents in .pdf format may be quite large and may take several minutes to open. It is recommended that these be saved to the user's computer, then viewed offline. 

Pursuant to KRS 61.874, it is unlawful to use any records available on this site for a commercial purpose without agreement with the Legislative Research Commission.

Purchasing and Subscription Services

The Legislative Research Commission produces a number of informational materials on the legislative process or status for purchase individually or by subscription. 

All prices are subject to 6% Kentucky sales tax within Kentucky.  

Prices reflect regular sessions. Prices for special sessions vary depending on the length of the session and the number of bills introduced.

Contact the person listed for more information about purchases.

Bills, Resolutions and Amendments - actions passed during a session.

​LRC Public Bill Room
​Complete set of bills & resolutions
​$630 even-year and $425 odd-year sessions (plus postage)
​Individual bills (per page)
​Amendments (per page)

Roll Call Votes - a record of votes by chamber for a session.

​LRC Public Bill Room
​  Roll Call Votes (per page)

Legislative Record - the daily status of all bills and resolutions when the General Assembly is in session.

​LRC Public Bill Room
​Daily Record
​$165 even-year and $82.50 odd-year sessions (plus postage)
​Individual Record
​$2.75 (plus postage if mailed)
​Friday Record
​$38.50 even-year and $30.25 odd-year sessions (plus postage)

House Journal and Senate Journal - the official daily records of proceedings in each chamber during a session, including roll call votes on all bills, motions, and referrals.

​LRC Business Office
​2017 House Journal set (30-day session)
​$116 (2 volumes)
​2017 Senate Journal set (30-day session)
​$108 (2 volumes)
​USB Flash Drive, Senate & House Journals 

Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service - regulations that are put into action by administrative agencies.

Administrative Register of Kentucky - regulations proposed by the state's administrative agencies and serves as public notice of those proposed regulations.

Administrative Register of Kentucky Order Form (PDF)

LRC ​Business Office
​KY Administrative Register - Monthly Service

Acts of the Kentucky General Assembly - the text of all bills enacted during legislative sessions.​

LRC ​Business Office
​2022 Special Session Hardbound
​2024 Session Hardbound Volume 2
​2024 Session Hardbound Volume 1
​2024 Session USB Flash drive