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Committee Details

Statutory Committee
Juvenile Justice Oversight Council


Provides an independent review of the state juvenile justice system and provides recommendations to the General Assembly. The council shall actively review the implementation of all juvenile justice reforms enacted by the General Assembly, collect and review performance measurement data, and continue to review the juvenile justice system for changes that improve public safety, hold youth accountable, provide better outcomes for children and families, and control juvenile justice costs.

Citizen Members

  • John Adams - Member
  • Katie Comstock - ex officio
  • Lesa Dennis - ex officio
  • Robbie Fletcher - ex officio
  • Paula Garner - Member
  • Steven Gold - Member
  • Keith Jackson - ex officio
  • Katie Marks - ex officio
  • Damon Preston - ex officio
  • Tyra Walker - Member
  • John Ward - Member
  • Randy White - ex officio
Legislative CalendarMeeting MaterialsMinutes


  • Joshua Shelepak - Legislative Analyst
  • Matt Trebelhorn - Legislative Analyst
  • Robert Wright - Committee Assistant