- The current Reviser of Statutes is Cyndi Galvin, who was appointed to the position effective August 2, 2021. She can be reached by mail at Legislative Research Commission, Annex Room 196, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601; by telephone at (502) 564-8100, ext 59976; or by email at
KRS 7.120(1) directs that "[t]he Legislative Research Commission shall formulate, supervise, and execute plans and methods for the future revision, clarification, classification, codification, and arrangement of the official version of the Kentucky Revised Statutes." Under
KRS 7.140(1), the execution of the Commission's responsibilities under KRS 7.120 and other sections of KRS Chapter 7 are to be carried out by the Reviser of Statutes, who, with his or her staff:
- Maintains the official version of the Kentucky Revised Statutes in an electronic database.
- Reviews all bill drafts and amendments prepared by LRC committee staff prior to their introduction in either chamber of the Kentucky General Assembly.
- Codifies new statutes into the Kentucky Revised Statutes by editing and assigning KRS numbers to the new laws.
- Incorporates amendatory text into existing statutes and, in the case of multiple amendments to the same statute, determines under
KRS 7.136(3) whether the amendments are or are not in conflict.
- Oversees the publication of the session laws volumes (the Kentucky Acts) after each regular and extraordinary session of the Kentucky General Assembly.
- Has the authority to perform a number of editorial functions specified in
KRS 7.136(1) and (2) in establishing and maintaining the texts of the laws contained in the official version of the Kentucky Revised Statutes.
- Prepares reviser's bills for introduction in the Kentucky General Assembly to revise and correct problems that exist in the Kentucky Revised Statutes.
- Organizes and conducts courses and seminars on bill drafting procedures for agency staff and for executive agency employees and other interested parties.
- Revises the Bill Drafting Manual for the Kentucky General Assembly, the reference book for legislative drafters.