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Committee Details

Interim Joint Committee
State Government


Matters pertaining to the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the Commonwealth; the General Assembly, its committees, officers, and service agencies; redistricting; the Governor; the Lieutenant Governor; intergovernmental cooperation; state-federal relations; interstate compacts; administrative organization; administrative regulations; statutory administrative agencies; Department of Law; constitutional offices; state personnel; state retirement systems; public property and public printing; public officers, their terms, appointments, fees, compensation, removal, oaths, and bonds; public information; disaster and emergency services; state and regional planning; libraries; archives and records; public corporations; Commonwealth's attorneys; circuit clerks; the proposing of constitutional amendments and the calling of a constitutional convention; ratification of amendments to the United States Constitution; the election of officers to state, local, and school board positions; election commissioners, officers and precincts; qualifications, registration, and purging of voters; conduct of primary and regular elections; presidential and congressional elections; special elections to fill vacancies; contest of elections; corrupt practices and election financing; election offenses and prosecutions; voting machines; and absentee ballots.
Legislative CalendarMeeting MaterialsMinutes


  • Daniel Carter - Committee Staff Administrator
  • Michael Clancy - Legislative Analyst
  • Jesse Farler - Legislative Analyst
  • Christina Gordley - Legislative Analyst
  • Brad Gross - Legislative Analyst
  • Alaina Spence - Legislative Analyst
  • Shannon Tubbs - Legislative Analyst
  • Angela Rhodes - Committee Assistant
  • Peggy Sciantarelli - Committee Assistant