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Committee Details

House Standing Committee
Judiciary (H)


Matters pertaining to contracts; the Uniform Commercial Code; debtor-creditor relations; ownership and conveyance of property; private corporations and associations; competency proceedings; administration of trusts and estates of persons under disability; descent, wills and administration of decedents’ estates; domestic relations; support of dependents; statutory actions and limitations; eminent domain; arbitration; declaratory judgments; witnesses; evidence; legal notices; construction of statutes; civil procedure; the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, circuit courts and district courts; family courts; jurisdiction, rules, terms, judges, commissioners, selections, districts, qualifications, compensation and retirement; clerks of courts; juries, attorneys; receivers; court reporters; habeas corpus; crimes and punishments; criminal procedure; probation and parole; correctional facilities; civil rights; and juvenile matters.
Legislative CalendarMeeting Materials


  • Roberta Kiser - Committee Staff Administrator
  • Stephanie Larkin - Legislative Analyst
  • Eric Rodenberg - Legislative Analyst
  • Randall Roof - Legislative Analyst
  • Joshua Shelepak - Legislative Analyst
  • Matt Trebelhorn - Legislative Analyst
  • Robert Wright - Committee Assistant