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Kentucky Revised Statutes
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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
Committee Details
Committee Details
Kentucky Sportsmen's Caucus
Legislative Members
Gary Boswell - (S)
Jared Carpenter - (S)
Danny Carroll - (S)
Matthew Deneen - (S)
Donald Douglas - (S)
Greg Elkins - (S)
Shelley Funke Frommeyer - (S)
Jimmy Higdon - (S)
Jason Howell - (S)
Scott Madon - (S)
Christian McDaniel - (S)
Stephen Meredith - (S)
Robby Mills - (S)
Gerald A. Neal - (S)
Matt Nunn - (S)
Steve Rawlings - (S)
Aaron Reed - (S)
Craig Richardson - (S)
Brandon Smith - (S)
Brandon J. Storm - (S)
Reginald L. Thomas - (S)
Robin L. Webb - (S)
Stephen West - (S)
Phillip Wheeler - (S)
Gex Williams - (S)
Mike Wilson - (S)
Max Wise - (S)
David Yates - (S)
Chad Aull - (H)
Shane Baker - (H)
Jared Bauman - (H)
John Blanton - (H)
Adam Bowling - (H)
Josh Branscum - (H)
Josh Bray - (H)
Randy Bridges - (H)
Emily Callaway - (H)
Adrielle Camuel - (H)
Beverly Chester-Burton - (H)
Robert Duvall - (H)
Daniel Elliott - (H)
Daniel Fister - (H)
Patrick Flannery - (H)
Ken Fleming - (H)
Chris Freeland - (H)
Chris Fugate - (H)
Deanna Gordon - (H)
Peyton Griffee - (H)
Vanessa Grossl - (H)
David Hale - (H)
Mark Hart - (H)
Samara Heavrin - (H)
John Hodgson - (H)
Thomas Huff - (H)
Kim King - (H)
Matthew Koch - (H)
Nima Kulkarni - (H)
Matthew Lehman - (H)
Derek Lewis - (H)
Matt Lockett - (H)
Bobby McCool - (H)
Shawn McPherson - (H)
David Meade - (H)
Michael Meredith - (H)
Suzanne Miles - (H)
Adam Moore - (H)
David W. Osborne - (H)
Michael Sarge Pollock - (H)
Marianne Proctor - (H)
Felicia Rabourn - (H)
Rebecca Raymer - (H)
Steve Riley - (H)
Steven Rudy - (H)
Scott Sharp - (H)
Tom Smith - (H)
Ashley Tackett Laferty - (H)
Nancy Tate - (H)
Aaron Thompson - (H)
James Tipton - (H)
Timmy Truett - (H)
Ken Upchurch - (H)
Bill Wesley - (H)
Mitch Whitaker - (H)
Richard White - (H)
Wade Williams - (H)
Nick Wilson - (H)
Citizen Members
Legislative Calendar